Samay gatisil the painting explain the...

Samay Gatisil The Painting Explain The Undefitable Power

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Artist/Collector: Ratumoni Das

Samay Gatisil
The painting explain the undefitable power of time, and thus the evolution of human and changing of earth

Hello Art lover, welcome to GranNino, and very special welcome to Ratumoni Das's online art portfolio site.

If you want to buy the painting and you live in India or elsewhere, Ratumoni Das, the artist can deliver the painting to your doorstep. Additionally, you might ask him to contact you back and can modify the art as per your choice. Send buying request by submitting your email address and phone number. Your contact details will be submitted to the respective artist within 24 hours.

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I will be happy. Kindly back my efforts 🙂

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