Painting of trapped bird in acrylic painting...

Painting Of Trapped Bird In Acrylic Painting Size 2125cm

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Artist/Collector: Jyoti

Painting of Trapped Bird in Acrylic Painting
Size: 21×25cm sq. cm.
Price: $90
Title: Trapped Bird\r
Size:- 08×10\r
Medium:- Acrylic on canvas
Artist :- Jyoti
Description About Painting:-
A poignant depiction of a bird, symbolizing hope and freedom, trapped in its own circumstances. The crown on its head represents its true nature as a king, but one who has been dethroned by the shackles of adversity. Despite its strength and resilience, the birds wings are unable to break free from the chains of poverty and hardship.
The dark circles under its eyes reveal the exhaustion and desperation that come with chasing unfulfilled dreams.
The surrounding ocean, created from the tears of unfulfilled dreams, serves as a haunting reminder of the countless aspirations that remain incomplete due to the scarcity of means.
Scattered in the water are coins, symbolizing the sacrifices and investments made in pursuit of our passions, now lost and forgotten. The paintings bold brushstrokes and contrasting colors evoke a sense of frustration and longing.

Hello Art lover, welcome to GranNino, and very special welcome to Jyoti's online art portfolio site.

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