Spray Painting, Graffiti Art and Wall Art

Spray painting is a fast drying oil based painting technique to spray coating material such as paint, ink, varnish onto a painting surface.

Spray painting is a modern painting technique. In the early 1880s, it was utilized on the South Pacific Railroad. Some well-known spray painting artists are Bansky, JeanMichel Basquiat, and Shepard Fairey. In 1949, Edward Seymour invented a spray paint that could be applied using compressed air in a can.
Spray Painting Origin and Ideas for ArtistsCredit to @deypinak
Aerosol paint is often used as a medium in the spray painting technique. Aerosol paint is stored in a can in a highly compressed state. Volatile hydrocarbons such as propane, n butane, and isobutane, as well as oil-based color pigments, are common constituents in aerosol paints. Spray paint cans are composed of Aluminum to make them more robust.
For being oil based the spray paint is the most likely to be waterproof. Moreover, when sprayed, the water in the paint evaporates immediately, leaving a flexible acrylic layer. Because the color is permanent and stable, Artists can repaint without bleeding and create a laminated surface effect.
The Paint is applied by spray guns, spray booths, spray cans, and spray brushes. Spray Paint dries more faster than traditional brush paints. Spray paint is suitable for both indoor and outdoor application on non-porous materials like poster board, wood, glass, metal etc. Graffiti artist uses spray paint for making Street Art as well as Graffiti art on interior and exterior of buildings, trains, etc., as opposed to more traditional art surfaces. For being oil based spray paints are found to be superior rust proofing for metal surface.
Spray paint is dispensed as mist that is easily applied to a variety of surfaces. Spray painting is traditionally used on surfaces such as billboards, but it can be done on any non-porous material, such as wood, metal, glass, ceramic, stone or plastic.
Spray Painting is awesome to paint multi layer paintings, as the paint dries more quickly than any from of paints. It is also can be used on pre-shaped frames, which makes it more usable for quick painting works. Graffiti art is a form of spray painting.
Spray paints are more expensive, volatile and needs working in a well-ventilated environment. This is impossible to do in a closed room. Furthermore, it contains volatile hydrocarbons, which enhance the risk of cache fires and are not good for breathing. As an oil based spray paint, mineral like spirit is required to clean hands or exterior surfaces.

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Publish Date: 12/12/2021
Related Tags: spray painting spray art spray pencils painting guides spray painting guidess

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Most Asked Questions:

  • Q. Explain the difference between Spray Painting and Encaustic Painting ?
  • Answer: Encaustic painting, also known as hot wax painting, is a method of making artworks. In an......, On the other hand, Spray painting is a fast drying oil base.... Know More

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